Your information is one of your organization’s most valuable assets. Whether you want to better know and better serve your customers, or respond faster to a privacy or other compliance audit, or operate more efficiently – it all starts with the data you possess.
But what if you can’t find it? Or it’s not readily accessible/shareable? Or you can’t be sure it’s accurate or up to date? Then your capacity to get value from it is necessarily limited. Even worse, this can expose you to compliance risks and compromise your ability to unlock new opportunities.
The answer is to ensure your information – all of it, both the structured and the unstructured, on paper and electronic – is well governed and subject to ongoing practices that will keep it that way. Smart professionals like you know that better business requires better governance, and that the time to start is now.
So don’t wait a moment more! Let Holly Group begin right away to help orchestrate your plans, policies, processes, and people. Because our goal is your goal: to help you get the most value possible from your information. Don’t delay – contact us today!
What Business Problem Are You Trying to Solve?
A client once told us, “We no longer want content to be a passive resource, filed away awaiting retrieval.” And you don’t either! So don’t wait another moment to:
- Unlock opportunities
- Mitigate risks
- Assure information excellence and security
What do you have to lose except time and money?

We're Here to Help

We’ll use our proven effective Current State QuickScan Analysis to rapidly launch you down the right path! An effective “starter kit,” it leverages the elements of our MAXTV® IG Maturity and Implementation Model to speedily evaluate your current governance environment, to validate the Future State you envision, and to smooth your journey from here to there.
The MAXTV® IG Maturity and Implementation Model is the foundation of our Road Mapping activities and is a highly-effective means of identifying gaps in your present situation, setting your priorities, and informing your implementation strategy. The underlying objective is to ensure you get Maximum Total Value from both your information and information technology.
Working your way toward the future involves many often-overlapping layers of detail – all of which need to be examined and maintained, each in the context of the others to ensure they’re all pulling in the same direction. Examples include such mainstays as Policy Review, Process Analysis, Technology Assessment, RFP Creation, and Vendor Selection. We’re here to help with it all.
And just when you think you’re done, you’re not! Doing Information Right requires revisiting the effectiveness of your IG program on a periodic basis. We generally recommend at least a “lite” check-in every year, and a detailed examination every two years or so. This way you can stay on top of changes in your environment – new regulations, new technologies, a merger or acquisition – that might otherwise undo all the good you’ve already done.
Our Services, Your Way
Like you, we’re committed to maximizing your ability to find, leverage, protect, and assure the quality of your information. How we do this is entirely up to you. Hear and read about our philosophy at the right and just below. And then, let’s talk!
Holly Group helps you get the most value you can from your information by improving your ability to find, leverage, protect, and improve the quality of your business data – and foster the organizational culture shifts needed to succeed.
Our goal is the same as yours: to reduce risks and unlock opportunities, by helping you make your best decisions regarding your governance practices, vendor selection, and user adoption.
We combine our inside knowledge of what people need with our deep understanding of market trends and futures – and best of all, we receive no vendor commissions. So our focus is fixed firmly on you and your needs, and our only consideration is your best interest. | more
A big part of Holly Group’s value stems from our ability to pass our hard-earned knowledge on to you and your team – a “teach you to fish” mentality that serves our clients well in this era of constant technology change!
Be it training in the Fundamentals of Information Governance, or classes in achieving Maximum Total Value®, Change Management, or Writing Effective RFPs, our professionals are prepared to impart the best-practices information you need to ensure your projects succeed and your career advances. | more
Keynote Speaking
The principals at Holly Group regularly share our knowledge, opinions, and philosophies through keynote speaking engagements with public and private audiences throughout the world.
Recognizing that the subjects associated with information governance can be, ahem, rather dry, we work hard to make our talks as entertaining as they are informative. We are not afraid of energetic audience participation – indeed, we encourage it – and we make use of audio and video to hold attendees’ attention.
After-Dinner & Motivational Speakers Conference Keynoters & Session Leaders Awards Hosts | more